Change your Story, Change your life

November 29, 2023

To some degree or other, every Idea, tool or technique that we share with you on this site, will involve the need to change your story in some way!

And the very moment you change any aspect of your story, you change you life by default. The trick of course is to only change your story in the positive!

In fact, if you do nothing more than revise and improve the story that you tell yourself and others on a day to day basis, your life will become truly Magical in ways that you can only now begin to imagine!

“Who would you be without your story.”?

I heard that great line from Byron Katie a few years back. It’s short, sweet and amazingly profound: ‘Who would you be without your story…’?

And whilst I stopped and pondered my own answers to that question, I started to form a new one; Who would you be if you ‘Changed’ your story, and even more exciting to me was my next question in this evolution of an idea;

‘Who COULD you be if you changed your story’?

Could something as hypothetically simple as changing your story really change your entire life? Think about it; If you change your stories, you change your emotions. Change your emotions, you change your motions. Change your Motions you change your actions. Change your actions, you change your life!

One of the first things I ask my Breakthrough clients to do, is write out a brief synopsis of their life story, and then to make a note of any recurring patterns!

Why not give it a shot!

So put away your Tablet, Mac, Pc, Smartphone etc. and go get a ‘Good o’l fashioned’ pen and paper.

Now before you write out your life story, imagine you are sitting there with your coach or mentor, and I want you to think about an aspect of your life that you would really love to change. Let me tell you why this is important:

In my clients context, I’m their ‘audience’ and people always shape their stories to fit what they want their ‘audience’ to know about them. And, my clients almost always notice recurring patterns that generally relate to the issues they say they want to deal with.

So, keep your story as short as possible and then go through it and take note of any recurring patterns.

As you look at your results, it’s very possible that you will find recurring negative patterns that always seem to ‘Crop up’ when you least need them!

These my friend, are the area’s that you need to work on and change. Because at the most basic level, you can’t keep telling the same story over and over again and expect different outcomes!

Mark Denton Bevens