About Mark

According to Google, Mark is the UK’s Number One Breakthrough Coach.

Mark is a Certified Master Practitioner of NLP & Time Line Therapy.

He is also a Certified Master Hypnotist, Hypnosis Trainer and Certified Master Coach.

Mark is a Certified Goal Mapping Practitioner, certified by the systems creator Brian Mayne.

He was certified as a Law Of Attraction practitioner by star of ‘The Secret’ Joe Vitale. 

Mark is the Author of two books:

What Is Graves Disease: Looking from the inside out (WhatIsGravesDisease.com)

Arka: Aliens and Angels (Arka101.com)

He has been guiding people to explore their parallel lives since 2000

Mark has far exceeded his school teachers predictions of “Won’t go far, won’t achieve much” which they based on his lack of academic qualifications and his lack of interest in attending their classes. He has owned and run several successful business’s. He has appeared on TV, performed on some of London’s most prestigious stages, appeared in a major financial publication, recruited and trained hundreds of distributors for an American nutritional marketing company. He has worked as a creative consultant for a major radio network, writing adverts for among others the Ford motor agency. He is an author, singer/songwriter and holder of a City & Guilds qualification with a distinction…  Oh and of course he’s an academic failure that left school with ZERO qualifications. 

‘i have been fortunate enough over the last 30 years to have trained under some of the most talented personal development practitioners and trainers in the world. Along the way i have discovered many ideas, tools and techniques that have not only empowered myself, but also empowered and inspired my students and clients alike. And just so you know, i don’t believe for one moment that you are here now reading this by accident! There are No accidents. Wherever you are in life you made an appointment to be here. And that knowledge alone should make you at least curious enough to learn more and change your life in ways that you know you want and need to.’

Mark has often pondered where life would have taken him had he not stumbled upon the world of Personal Development. Certainly, as the four year old child of a financially broke single mother in 1960’s South London, Mark’s life appeared to hold very little hope for a promising future. His father had taken one look at him and headed for the door, leaving his mum and Mark to get out and get on with it. And yet the ideas, tools and techniques that he has been learning and applying to his own life over the past 3 decades have taken him on such an exhilarating journey, a journey that Mark hopes you will soon be experiencing for yourself… And here’s something he wants you to understand right from the start: Life is an on-going, un-folding and ever evolving experience. The beginning is where it was, the middle is in various locations and the end just isn’t.

‘You know that you’re here on this planet for a reason, you feel there must be a purpose, and yet you can’t quite put your finger on what it is. You know that you have a special gift, and yet fear of what others may think stops you from stepping into the light. The world is changing, and this life experience is passing you by quicker than ever before. You must act now, and seize the opportunity to truly create the life you know should. Open your eyes, wake up, isn’t it about time…’